Saturday, September 29, 2007

Its a good day

Was suppose to be at work today but I goofed and did not show.. should have looked at the schedule.. oh well.. I am sorry for that one!
I am now on Ravelry with my name KathieK440. Look me up and add me and I will add you if you let me know when you are in.
ok.. gonna go play at Ravelry

Friday, September 28, 2007

Yarn Giveaway

Adrienne is giving away some Socks that Rock and some Tofutsies.
Please check her blog out and find out the details. Tell her you heard it from me and I will get some brownie points. Her addy is on the left side of my blog or you can find it here.
Thanks and happy Knitting from
Kathie in Florida

Its been a while

Wow.. a year has almost past and I have not written very much in my blog.. I guess I had better get started.
Its been a busy year with learning more about knitting and reading many blogs.. I want to do so much. I really want to be comfortable with knitting socks and to some degree this has happened.
I still have some ways to go.
My health is much better I think although I just had a biopsy on Wed. I am sure all will come out fine. Now I wait.